final fragments of a fading fantasy..
it's a mad world..
today, i spent another day wishing my life away.. for time to disperse.. for eternity to swallow me up, digest me and allow me to become One with it.. it is my Dream...
*when you win the rat race, you are still a rat*
*basic premise of the rat race: the one who dies with the most toys, wins..*
..but, you'd still be dead.. ??
IT'S FRIDAY, for goodness' sake! but, i feel worn out. without vigor, expression or motivation. listless..
im convinced of this: i am the stolen, and subsequently lost, faerie daughter of the royal faerie kingdom.. the longing that abides within me and consumes me, is of a life i was supposed to have.. a life i was supposed to lead.. the mourning is an echo of my people crying for me, yearning for me to return to them.. lead them..
but i never will, because i have forgotten this history, the path Home.. never have i danced in the wind and bubbled with the brooks.. sung with the birds, or romanced the rivers... but always feeling drawn to nature.. always.. there is this void.. this innate sadness..
there are parallel multiverses, friends. know this. believe it. feel it.
i mean, what would the alternataive be? a world without magic??
The magic is in us.
All else is cold reality.
cold and endless..
like the outskirts of the multiverse..