i like it here.
from ingrid:
Ek is die lappop wat nie praat
en maak net op jou liefde staat
Saans lĂȘ ek blind en stil en doof
en lig nie meer my semel-hoof
My hande roer nie en my lyf
word met jou weggaan koud en styf
Sonder jou hulp kan ek nie loop:
jy het my sommerso gekoop
en sal my nog een Guy Fawkes-nag
goedmoeds verbrand en daaroor lag.
Ek is die lappop sonder gees
My pyn jou luid gevierde fees.
Labels: squirrelly wrath
posted by AristoNeeks | 12:51 pm
That's good stuff. I know a squirrel, too.shoeboxnuts.blogspot.comHe's barely animated, though.
foamy's brilliant! You should see the Hatta...he's like the pimped version of Foamy, and also on that site. :)
yeah, i know all about the Hatta and the rest of em.^_^squirrelly wrath.squirrel songs are my fave.
He is neither Lord nor Master. He is GOD!
That was fun. Thanks Neko. :)
I won't pretend to understand the fascination...I will just accept it.
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That's good stuff.
I know a squirrel, too.
He's barely animated, though.
foamy's brilliant! You should see the Hatta...he's like the pimped version of Foamy, and also on that site. :)
yeah, i know all about the Hatta and the rest of em.
squirrelly wrath.
squirrel songs are my fave.
He is neither Lord nor Master. He is GOD!
That was fun. Thanks Neko. :)
I won't pretend to understand the fascination...I will just accept it.