Sakura falling gently

There is a saying – When you love someone, let them go.
I wonder how accurate that is.
How do you … discern when it is love / selfishness / lust?
If you love someone, you let them go, and if they don’t ever come back…?
Do you then just… deal with the loss?
Because, even if it wasn’t love for the someone else, maybe it was love for you. And if you love them, let them go, and they don’t come back – is there solace to be found in the knowledge that that someone is off somewhere possibly being happy?
The possibilities are always infinite.
Labels: existential quandary, uncertainty
I've never loved someone enough to want to keep them in the first place, so...
...I guess I wouldn't know.
I think this was covered rather well in Of Human Bondage.
Happiness is just a word, anyway--an unattainable ideal. Work on contentment. It may not be as glamorous, but it's attainable and logical.
Or you could buy a small pet and stomp on it. I find doing that always puts things into perspective for me.
dear eoh,
that's kind of ... sad. unless that is what you want in life.
every time you fall in love, it should be.. all or nothing..
isn't it?
ah yes - Of Human Bondage. Many a life lesson learned from that tale.
small pets are more ... for sacrificial purposes than stomping... but, il put it under consideration for the Board.